Hi, Jesse Ikeman here -
Thanks for checking out Craft Truck's signature film course. If this is your first time hanging out with us at Craft Truck, please take a moment and visit our main website.
Over the years, we have cultivated well over 60 video interviews with the industry's top industry professionals in areas such as cinematography, editing, and business, and distribution.
Our content has been featured on Indiewire, Nofilmschool, Filmmaker Magazine and many many more of the top filmmaking sites.
And, we have 75 podcasts all dedicated to the Business of Film.
Why am I telling you this?
Because I want you to know that we are dedicated and passionate about the craft of filmmaking.
A little bit about me?
If you are here, then no doubt you have checked out my bio on the main Teachable link. But I want you to know what I'm passionate about and why I've created this course.
I've been in the business of film for 15 years. I've had the wonderful experience of being involved in some great projects over the years. And I love the business of film.
The reason I created the Business of Film podcast in the first place, is because so much of the craft knowledge of film (like cinematography and editing etc.) are readily available anywhere on the web. But the secret sauce, the stuff that nobody talks about... well, that's harder to get.
And that's what I want to teach. And I love teaching. It's something I've always enjoyed. And so, I'm sharing this course with you, so that we can, together, expand our connection to filmmakers who want, and need to know this information, if they want to succeed.
So what's next?
Here's a few questions that I'm sure you have on your mind.
How does the Affiliate program work?
Just send me an email at Jesse@crafttruck.com to started. That's it. We'll connect and get you going.
What kind of materials are available to support me?
We have content, free give-aways, e-books, a pre-written email sequence that you can use, and other goodies all to support your tribe and give them information and tools to not only be successful, but help encourage them to get involved with this course.
What does the Affiliate platform look like?
Here's a video from Teachable showing exactly how the affiliate program works
Can I Offer my tribe a special discount code?
... just send me an email and we'll get started: jesse@crafttruck.com